E-commerce Bots: By 2021, e-commerce will have risen 5%, accounting for 17.5% of all retail sales worldwide.  The industry’s rise has possibly been fueled by technology more than any other factor.  The future of e-commerce is being paved by technological developments, from the quick development of smartphones to new software that offers immersive and frictionless customer experiences.  Technology is frequently perceived as being impersonal, giving every user the same experience regardless of who they are.  However, a lot of e-commerce technological advancements are geared toward doing the exact opposite: offering scaled-up, tailored interactions between brands and specific customers.  In the world of sales and marketing, there is no longer a one-size-fits-all approach, and technology now provides merchants with a workable way to modify their plans accordingly.  E-commerce bots can enhance customer satisfaction.  Retail bots are accessible to aid customers around-the-clock and will always represent your company favorably by offering approachable, supportive assistance.  Like most traditional help channels, chatting with a bot is quick, enjoyable, and doesn’t require any waiting.  Customers can tell that your business emphasizes their convenience and their experience because of its consistent availability and consistency.  Your bot may be able to respond to queries, make suggestions for products, […] read more