Add descr How to Onboard New Retail Employees Starting a new job can be exciting, nerve-wracking, and overwhelming all at the same time. It is your obligation as an employer to ensure that your new retail employees have a seamless onboarding process so that they feel welcomed and prepared for their new role. A smooth onboarding process not only prepares new employees for success but can also boost employee retention and job satisfaction. A robust onboarding process is critical in the retail industry since turnover rates are famously high. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the overall turnover rate in 2020 was 57.3%. These statistics emphasize the significance of a well-planned and performed onboarding process in ensuring that new workers feel appreciated, supported, and prepared to succeed.   Source So, how can you properly onboarding  new retail employees? In this post, we’ll look at –  Tips to Onboard New Retail Employees 1. Create a detailed onboarding strategy. 2. Convey expectations and objectives 3. Offer extensive training 4. Appoint a mentor or companion 5. Make socialization opportunities available. 6. Encourage a Good Corporate Culture 7. Continued assistance Conclusion   Tips to Onboard New Retail Employees Make a plan: Developing […] read more